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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


By FantasyBoyz Editor in Chief Corey Bugenhagen

So we gave you our busts so now lets give you a list of guys we feel will be undervalued in upcoming drafts.  While most of the below players are known commodities we feel they might not go as highly as they should.  Don't hesitate to get these guys at all costs

AJ Green - How could AJ Green be a sleeper you say???  It isn't so much a sleeper as the fact that Green could be a top 3 or 4 receiver this season.  We haven't been seeing him picked in that range thus far. 

Young will make DBs look old in 2012
Titus Young - Young has formed a real rapport with Matt Stafford and has clearly taken over as the #2 guy in the motor city.  With Megatron drawing double and triple teams Young will be running free and clear

Antonio Brown - It started at the end of last season and certainly has carried on to the preseason but Brown appears to be Big Ben's go to guy right now.  With Mike Wallace just finally showing up to camp look for Brown to see even more balls his way in 2012.

Eric Decker - Did you see the Broncos game last Sunday?  Peyton is always looking Decker's way.  Think of the #s 80, 1200, and 10 because those are his most likely season stat lines.

Cedric Benson - CedBen has never known what it is like to have so many open running lanes.  While the Pack will still air it out Benson will keep defenses honest.

Julio Jones - Roddy White still might get the fanfare but this beast of a man will produce and in a major way.  We like a huge breakout season for Jones.

Donald Brown - Brown isn't very flashy or exciting but he is the #1 back and with Defenses keying on Mr. Luck, Brown may have some room to run.

Stevan Ridley - Ridley clearly put his stamp on the starting spot in the Pat's last preseason game.  With Brady bombing the ball all over the field holes will be plentiful.  1000 yards and 5 to 7 Tds is easily doable.

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