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Saturday, September 3, 2011


By Fantasy Boyz Chief Editor Corey Bugenhagen

Just wanted to jump on and write a quick little tidbit about draft etiquette... What you ask am I deciding to write this article at nearly 1am???  DRAFT ETIQUETTE IS WHY!  What I am speaking about directly is the time it takes some league members to make their selections. This isn't rocket science people.  You aren't working on a cure for cancer, you are deciding between Brandon Pettigrew or Dustin Keller in the 13th round.  As you might have guessed I just returned home from a draft, one that started at 8:30 freaking pm.  Nothing pisses this multiple time league champion off more than a guy who takes 5 minutes to make his selection.

Here are some simple solutions that will help your draft move along at a reasonable pace:

1) Have a timer and a set time period for an owner to make their selection
2) League owners PAY ATTENTION to who is up and be aware when it is close to your time to pick
3) Don't be piss hammered drunk at the draft. (This rule of thumb would seem obvious but isn't always followed)
4) Have a list of 4 or 5 players planned up leading up to your pick
5) Conduct your draft online.  While I prefer live, in person drafts, online leagues pretty much eliminate all delays

The above are just a few simple things that can make your draft a true delight, and not a total snooze fest.  Please follow them, especially if you ever have the pleasure of being in a league with yours truly....

                                                                                             CLOCK IS TICKING HURRY THE HELL UP

1 comment:

  1. You should change out that ticking clock for an alarm clock. Rule 1: show up on time and bring your league dues.
